GWC Quarterly Meeting, “Caring for Community Members with Special Needs”, at Harley Family Center, February 18, 2020
Sixty plus members and guests turned out on a very cold and wet Tuesday evening on February 18th to enjoy an uplifting and highly informative Greenwood Women Care’s 1st Quarterly Meeting of 2020. After a very enjoyable extended social time, Mary Woodiwiss, GWC Co-Chair, welcomed guests and members to the Harley Family Center. She shared that we now have 122 members (of which 21 are new members!), reiterated our open Membership, and shared details of our 2020 GWC Grants cycle. Beginning this year, GWC will accept grant applications in August and vote on our grant awards in October.
Rhonda Merritt kicked off our program, “Caring for Community Members with Special Needs”, by introducing our speakers: Susan Keown, Director of Quality Assurance at the Burton Center and Carol Scales, Board President of Greenwood Place along with Toni Belcher of Greenwood Place. Each of these women touched our hearts with their messages of hope, compassion, and respect for those who are served by their organizations.
Laura Bachinski, GWC Co-Chair, closed the evening with special thanks to all who prepared for our meeting. She also announced an invitation to enjoy Greenwood Community Theatre’s production of A Raisin in the Sun on Friday March 6th at 7:30. A special discounted rate is available to all GWC members. (An email with details was sent to Members on 2.19.)