New Members Summer Supper, August 27, 2024

Each year, GWC’s Membership Committee hosts new members for a special dinner to help everyone get acquainted outside our larger meetings. For the second year, GWC’s Membership Committee has planned and hosted one in late summer as well as early in the new year because of our increase in new memberships.

This year’s New Members Summer Supper was held on Tuesday, August 27, in Nina Trent’s lovely, welcoming home. Nina and other Membership Committee members set the tone beautifully with appetizers, beverages, and table seating arranged in several rooms.

Twelve of our 35 new 2024 members were able to gather for a light meal, rich desserts, and a steady stream of vibrant conversations. Many were meeting for the first time, but there was no shortage of laughter, anecdotes, and learning about each other. Before settling in at three tables for dinner, Mary Woodiwiss (Advisory Board Chair) invited everyone to introduce themselves, and Rachel Strayer (Advisory Board Vice Chair) and Mary offered brief descriptions of our six standing committees.

Salads and sandwiches were followed by fruit dessert bars and chocolate torte, all enjoyed with unhurried, lively exchanges.

We look forward to our next time together with members and guests at the September Social!