GCCF Awards Community Enhancement Grants, August 2020

Greenwood County Community Foundation GCCF awarded a total of $26,000 to six local nonprofit organizations in our 2020 Community Enhancement granting cycle.

Grant recipients are:

Arts Center of Greenwood — for Black History exhibit and “Connecting the Dream” programming

Beyond Abuse — for racial equity training for staff

Greenwood Area Habitat for Humanity— for materials and contracted services for home construction

Greenwood Community Theatre — for expenses for The Penguin Project

Lakelands Region YMCA of SC — for purchase of an Aquatic Access pool lift

MODELS Academy — for the MODELS Academy’s Black Male Success series

(Due to COVID-19 precautions, grant check presentation photos for this cycle have been suspended.)

Congratulations to each of our Community Enhancement grant recipient organizations! We are grateful for and wish you all the best in your continued good work in service to our community!

GWC Quarterly Meeting, “A Greenwood Icon: The Legacy of Dr. Benjamin E. Mays”, August 18, 2020

Greenwood Women Care’s first Quarterly Meeting via Zoom was held on Tuesday, August 18th. We were welcomed and introduced to both the technology and agenda items of our meeting by Laura Bachinski, GWC Co-Chair.

While not all 129 members could be in attendance, those members and guests that were greatly enjoyed the virtual tour afforded us by Chris Thomas, Director of the Benjamin E. Mays Historical Site. Mamie Nicholson welcomed us to the site, and Rhonda Merritt introduced and accompanied Mr. Thomas on the tour. We were treated to forays into Dr. Mays’s boyhood home, a school like the one-room school he attended, and the museum that honors him. It was inspiring to learn that a man of humble beginnings could aspire to and attain such heights of acclaim and influence. Dr. Mays was the sixth president of Morehead University from 1940-67 and was a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is credited with building the foundation of the American civil rights movement and gave the benediction after Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 and the eulogy at Dr. King’s funeral in 1968.

At the conclusion of the video, Louise Robinson, Chair of the Programs and Education Committee, thanked Mr. Thomas for his tour and hospitality and GWC members who assisted with the video. Mary Woodiwiss announced GWC’s contribution of the children’s book I Have a Dream to the Greenwood County Public Library in Chris Thomas’s honor. Members are invited to help provide book contributions to honor our speakers and can email gwc@greenwoodcf.org for more information.

Laura Stowe, Co-Chair of the Communications Committee, reminded us about our committee structure of six standing committees and recognized Chairs, including three new Chairs. Approximately 50% of our members are currently engaged in our committees. Laura noted that committee descriptions and members can be found on our webpage and encouraged interested members to contact the Chair of any committee to join or learn more.

Trentsie Williams, Co-Chair of the Grants Review and Awards Committee, presented a PowerPoint on the 2020 granting cycle. On October 19th, GWC with host a “Kick Off the Vote” virtual social at 5:30 – 6:30 where granting and voting procedures will be highlighted. Online voting will be open October 19th – October 21st. GWC is expected to grant upwards of $50,000, as directed by Members’s votes.

Mary Woodiwiss, GWC Co-Chair, gave our closing message, highlighting the many ways that GWC has remained active in these past challenging months.

Please remember to watch your inboxes and mailboxes for more news to come!

The link to the full meeting video, which includes the Benjamin E. Mays virtual tour and important GWC updates, is here. (video lasts ~ 40 minutes)

The link to the Benjamin E. Mays virtual tour is here. (video lasts ~ 15 minutes)

GWC Summer 2020 Newsletter

GWC Workshop, “Grant Writing 101”, July 23, 2020

GWC Grants Review & Awards Committee designed and hosted a grant writing workshop, “Grant Writing 101”, on July 23. Thirty community members serving a wide range of local nonprofits attended the virtual meeting which was offered at no charge. Presentations included “Writing Your Grant Proposal” by Kathy Emily, “Grant Assessment” by Donna Foster, and discussion of a pre-workshop writing assignment by Jan Puzar and Mary Woodiwiss.

The workshop concluded with a Funders Forum of local grantmakers: Selynto Anderson, Self Regional Healthcare; Emily Findley, United Way of Greenwood & Abbeville Counties; Mamie Nicholson, Self Family Foundation; Trentsie Williams, on behalf of the GWC Grants Committee; and Mary Woodiwiss, Greenwood County Community Foundation.

We are pleased to have offered this service to our community!

A video of our Grant Writing 101 workshop, via Zoom, may be found here. PLEASE NOTE: Due to recording errors, this video begins within the first informational session of the 2.5-hour long workshop.

Greenwood Women Care logo

GWC Letter to the Editor, June 2020

In early June, the GWC Steering Committee discussed and approved the submission of the following letter to the Index Journal. It was published later in the month, on 6.30.

The impetus for the letter came from a GWC Member who recognized the critical moment in which GWC is well-situated to speak to our community as a positive, inclusive voice, consistent with our mission and values. We hope and trust that this will be an encouragement to our Members, friends, and community.

To the Editor:

In these troubled times, Greenwood Women Care (GWC) stands with the many in our community and world who continue to experience injustice.

GWC is a diverse, open membership organization of 125+ women of varied life experiences, ages, and sectors who come together in our commitment to Greenwood’s thriving through collective grantmaking to local nonprofits.

“Caring Women Building Community” is our mission statement. In our three-year history, we have experienced community-building within our membership, with our many guests, and with those serving in local nonprofits. From our formation, we have intended to be an organization that welcomes, includes, and reflects the broad range of women who comprise Greenwood. In this time of divisiveness and pain, it is good to pause and think about all we have in common.

GWC continues to seek the well-being of all in our home community and the broader communities in which Greenwood County is situated. We deeply desire that all of our actions and efforts bring us closer to the realization of the Beloved Community that Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned and pointed us toward.

We know that one organization cannot solve the ills of our society. But we want to bring our best to bear on making our home a better one for everyone. We care passionately about our community – thus our name, Greenwood Women Care. Let us all unite in our care about each other, our community, and our world!

Mary Woodiwiss and Laura Bachinski, on behalf of the GWC Steering Committee

Greenwood Women Care logo

GWC Nonprofit Video Snapshots, Summer 2020

In this time of special COVID-19 precautions, Greenwood Women Care (GWC) recognizes that many of our local nonprofits have been impacted by changes in contact with the public, fundraising, and other usual activity. Meanwhile, GWC has, for the time being, suspended our gatherings which allow us to regularly feature local nonprofits in our programming and by holding Quarterly Meetings and Socials in nonprofit venues.

GWC has developed another means of drawing attention to local nonprofits! We invited local nonprofits to let us shoot a very informal video to present their mission and programs. Twenty-three organizations have chosen to participate and we are thankful for their time and attention in such a challenging season as this. (We managed this with proper social distancing, simple filming on a phone, and no cost to GWC ~ please be advised, and patient with the informal results! )

Videos appeared in 5 “sessions” of 4-5 videos each, with a new session added each Thursday, June 11-July 9.

In each line below, there is a hyperlink to the website, Facebook page, or other informational site (click on each organization’s name) and to that organization’s video clip (click on here). We hope this series of videos will not only serve the efforts of these nonprofits but will also help us to stay connected as Members in this time apart and continue in our mission to inform our Members and guests of issues and opportunities in our community.

Session 1 (posted on June 11)

Learn about BLOOM here.

Learn about Greenwood Pathway House here.

Learn about Piedmont Agency on Aging here.

Learn about Cornerstone here.

Learn about The Arts Center of Greenwood here.

Session 2 (posted on June 18)

Learn about The Museum and Railroad Historical Center here.

Learn about Burton Center here.

Learn about Emerald City Rotary Club (sponsors of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library) here.

Learn about Beyond Abuse here.

Session 3 (posted on June 25)

Learn about Greater Greenwood United Ministry here.

Learn about Boys & Girls Club of the Lakelands here.

Learn about Project Hope Foundation here.

Learn about Connie Maxwell Children’s Home here.

Session 4 (posted on July 2)

Learn about Hospice & Palliative Care of the Piedmont here.

Learn about Greenwood Area Habitat for Humanity here.

Learn about United Way of Greenwood and Abbeville Counties here.

Learn about A Place for Us here.

Learn about Greenwood Performing Arts here.

Session 5 (posted on July 9)

Learn about Community Initiatives here.

Learn about Greenwood Community Theatre here.

Learn about Healthy Learners here.

Learn about CrossRoads Pregnancy Center here.

Learn about Cokesbury College here.

GCCF Funds Youth & Education Grants, April 2020

Greenwood County Community Foundation GCCF awarded a total of $25,000 to eight local nonprofit organizations in our 2020 Youth & Education granting cycle.

Grant recipients are:

Boys & Girls Club of the Lakelands — Power Hour program

Community Initiatives — I-station and computers for Safe Haven

Emerald City Hoops/BLOOM — LeadHERship Conference

Food Bank of Greenwood County — Weekend Backpack Program

Goodwill Industries — CNA uniforms and Job Connection training

Healthy Learners — staff and client transportation

The Museum and Railroad Historical Center — summer camp scholarships and “Polar Express” collaborative project

Salvation Army — youth music enrichment program

In response to the particular challenges experienced by nonprofits during this period of COVID-19 precautions, GCCF offered additional flexibility in the utilization of these grant awards.

(Due to COVID-19 precautions, grant check presentation photos for this cycle have been postponed.)

We congratulate each of our Youth & Education grant recipients and are grateful for your continued good work serving our community!

GWC Spring 2020 Newsletter

GWC Quarterly Meeting, “Caring for Community Members with Special Needs”, at Harley Family Center, February 18, 2020

Sixty plus members and guests turned out on a very cold and wet Tuesday evening on February 18th to enjoy an uplifting and highly informative Greenwood Women Care’s 1st Quarterly Meeting of 2020.  After a very enjoyable extended social time, Mary Woodiwiss, GWC Co-Chair, welcomed guests and members to the Harley Family Center.  She shared that we now have 122 members (of which 21 are new members!), reiterated our open Membership, and shared details of our 2020 GWC Grants cycle. Beginning this year, GWC will accept grant applications in August and vote on our grant awards in October.

Rhonda Merritt kicked off our program, “Caring for Community Members with Special Needs”, by introducing our speakers: Susan Keown, Director of Quality Assurance at the Burton Center and Carol Scales, Board President of Greenwood Place along with Toni Belcher of Greenwood Place. Each of these women touched our hearts with their messages of hope, compassion, and respect for those who are served by their organizations.

Laura Bachinski, GWC Co-Chair, closed the evening with special thanks to all who prepared for our meeting. She also announced an invitation to enjoy Greenwood Community Theatre’s production of A Raisin in the Sun on Friday March 6th at 7:30. A special discounted rate is available to all GWC members. (An email with details was sent to Members on 2.19.)

New Members’ Soup Supper, February 11, 2020

GWC is happy to welcome 21 new 2020 Members, as of February 11th! On that evening, our Membership Committee hosted an informal Soup Supper at the home of Mary Woodiwiss.

Our purpose was to welcome our new Members, give an overview of the activities of our GWC Committees, and provide a smaller gathering for women to meet others before our first Quarterly Meeting on February 18th.

After enjoying an array of several soups, breads, salads, desserts, and beverages, we each spent time getting acquainted with someone we didn’t already know well. Representatives from our six standing committees gave an introduction to their functions within GWC. There was an opportunity for questions, discussion, and continued conversation. It was lovely to be there and just relax in each other’s good company!