GWC Fall Social at Grand Harbor Clubhouse, October 14, 2019

On Monday, October 14, GWC members and guests gathered at Grand Harbor Clubhouse to celebrate the arrival of fall weather and to enjoy a few relaxing hours spent in each others’ company.  Members Connie Carstens, Bev Gebicke, Lou Noel, Ann VanVoris, and Sharon Westbrook graciously hosted this GWC social event and Laura Bachinski extended a warm welcome to all. Attendees enjoyed a yummy array of appetizers and desserts provided by Members.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Quarterly Meeting on November 4th at the Arts Center featuring recipients of our 2019 GWC Grants!

Greenwood Performing Arts

Community Enhancement Grants Announced, August 2019

GCCF is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2019 Community Enhancement grants! The following organizations and their programs or projects received funding totaling $26,000 in this cycle:

Arts Council of Greenwood County for “A Local Look” exhibit and “Connecting the Dream” programming

Festiva for professional artists’ fees for free community concerts

Greenwood Area Habitat for Humanity for materials and contracted services for home construction

Greenwood Community Theatre for expenses for The Penguin Project

Greenwood Pathway House for PTC tuition for Ready to Work course

Greenwood Performing Arts for Intergenerational Outreach Program performance costs

Greenwood SC Chamber of Commerce for Nonprofit Council’s board governance seminar

We salute your good work to improve our community for everyone!

GWC book contributions to the Greenwood County Public Library in honor of our speakers

GWC Quarterly Meeting, “Back to School: Tools to Succeed”, at The United Center for Community Care, August 20, 2019

The Quarterly Meeting for Greenwood Women Care was held on August 20th at the United Center for Community Care.  The delicious “back to school” refreshments and gymnasium setting certainly got GWC members in the mindset to learn more about the education programs that were presented.

Mary Woodiwiss, Co-Chair of GWC, reviewed the purpose of GWC and how contributions and membership dues are being used.  As of this meeting, we are now 124 members strong!

Louise Robinson introduced the program theme of “Back to School” and Deborah Parks from the United Center for Community Care welcomed us to UCCC and briefly discussed the 8 agencies that are housed in the building.

Guest speakers for the meeting were Katie Davenport and Laura Padgett. Katie Davenport is the Executive Director of Greenwood Promise. GWC Members are encouraged to look at the Greenwood Promise website for more information about how contributions from businesses and individuals help fund college for students in Greenwood who meet the criteria.

Laura Padgett presented a video and talked about the Thrift Shop at Emerald High School that is run by transitional students to provide work hours for career focused experiences.  Donations may be dropped off at the front office or Laura can be emailed.

Laura Bachinski, Co-Chair of GWC, offered closing comments about how to become a Member of GWC.

GWC donated two new children’s books to the Greenwood County Public Library in honor of our speakers, each with a GWC bookplate naming the honoree and her organization.

Our next Quarterly meeting will be Monday, November 4th at the Arts Center. The 2019 GWC Grant recipients will present information about their GWC funded projects and programs. As always, guests are welcome!

GCCF check presentation to Greenwood Lions Club Foundation

Innovation Grant Supports Community Impact, June 2019

In June, GCCF awarded its bi-annual Innovation Grant to substantially support a project with the promise of significant community impact.

The Greenwood Lions Club Foundation received $50,000 from GCCF for the development of a Mobile Diabetes Clinic that will bring professional services to areas of the county that are greatly underserved. Diabetes screening and education will be available as needed, free of charge, to all residents of Greenwood County. The Lions Club’s proposal demonstrated well-developed collaboration with Self Regional Healthcare providers, local nonprofits offering medical services (such as Greater Greenwood United Ministry and Clinica Gratis), and a strong plan for implementation.

Phyllis Zuehlke, Lions Club Member who spearheaded this project, said, “[Greenwood Lions Club] wanted to expand our service projects into more areas than just vision. What better [related concern] than diabetes? The GCCF Innovation Grant was exactly what we needed. The Mobile Diabetes Clinic is a major project that will enrich the county and brings together many organizations that are striving for the same goals we have. People in our area desperately need identification of, education about, and care for diabetes. We can take our free clinic to community centers and rural areas and give not only screenings but also information about effective, healthy lifestyle changes and how their medical needs can best be met.”

Clients who have not had a medical home, are impoverished, have little or no access to transportation and are uneducated about an improved and healthier lifestyle will be offered health consultations and be directed to other programs that can provide reduced cost or free services and medications.

The Foundation is pleased to provide for the development of such beneficial projects in our community!

GWC Quarterly Meeting, “Getting Your Ducks in a Row”, at Hospice Store, May 13, 2019

The GWC Quarterly Meeting on May 13th, “Getting Your Ducks in A Row”, was generously hosted by The Hospice Store. Delightful spring refreshments were served and GWC Members and guests were treated to a time of socializing and shopping. The Hospice Store has something for everyone! Nancy Corley, Chief Executive Officer of Hospice and Palliative Care of the Piedmont, gave a very informative talk about the history and purpose of Hospice, the Hospice House, and the new Palliative Care Center. Nancy encouraged GWC Members to make advanced directive plans to designate a Healthcare Power of Attorney and to make your wishes known to her or him. The Hon. Travis Moore, Probate Judge, Greenwood County, spoke about dealing with estates, guardianship, mental illness/chemical dependency, and marriage licenses. Some of his advice was to ensure that you have a will and make determinations about your property in advance of critical health needs or end of life. Melissa Bane, Senior Private Client Advisor of Greenwood Capital, also strongly encouraged us to speak to loved ones about our wishes and to inform them of the location of original wills as well as providing them with copies of this and other essential documents. She urged Members to review beneficiaries on insurance documents and to make sure that joint property is titled with both spouses’ name. Thanks to all three speakers for sobering but very relevant information! The Meeting was attended by more than 50 of our Members and numerous guests. Those who weren’t able to attend missed out on great information! Our next GWC Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th at the United Center for Community Care.

City of Greenwood

Youth & Education Grants Awarded by GCCF, April 2019

2019 Youth & Education Grants have been awarded to the following eight organizations serving Greenwood County:

City of Greenwood in support of a community mosquito education program

Community Initiatives for a Safe Haven reading specialist

Food Bank of Greenwood County for the Weekend Backpack Program

Goodwill Industries for CNA uniforms for participants in Job Connection training

Healthy Learners for staff and client transportation

The Homeless Period Project for feminine hygiene supplies for middle school girls in need

The Museum and Railroad Historical Center for summer camp scholarships

Wild Hare Productions in support of scholarships and expenses for a youth musical theatre summer intensive workshop and performances

GCCF is grateful to play a role in supporting this array of good work in our community!

GWC 2019 Grant Award Recipients! March 2019

Greenwood Women Care (GWC) recently awarded grants totaling $47,625 in our first annual granting cycle! Eight local nonprofits serving residents of Greenwood County received awards ranging from $2500 to $10,000. Pictured are: (front row) Deborah Parks, Laura Stowe, Summer Booker, GWC Steering Committee members; Alison Fletcher, Mary Woodiwiss, Laura Bachinski, GWC Steering and Grants Committee members; Kathy Emily, Marilyn Murphy, Patricia Hartung, and Anne Craig, GWC Grants Committee members; (back row) Joanne Burkett, Greenwood Community Improvement Foundation-WLC; Lisa Lane, Project Hope Foundation; Kathryn Butler (Greenwood School District 50) and Claire Wieters, Beyond Abuse; Teresa Goodman, Community Initiatives; Alice Hodges, Meg’s House; Steve Coleman, MODELS Academy; Stephen Gilbert, Greenwood Community Theatre. (Not pictured: Connie Maxwell Children’s Home recipients) GWC Grants were awarded to: Beyond Abuse ~ mentoring program for 5th grade girls (through 6th grade) Community Initiatives ~ Safe Haven after school and summer programs Meg’s House ~ household supplies for 12 clients in Operation Impact program Greenwood Community Improvement Foundation ~ Leadership Scholars program for middle & high school girls Project Hope Foundation ~ training and supervision of ABA therapists serving children with autism MODELS Academy ~ program and conference costs for MODELS Academy for African-American males, grades 5-12 Greenwood Community Theatre ~ production costs, including outreach performances & The Penguin Project Connie Maxwell Children’s Home ~ furnishings for Family Care Program for single mothers and children Congratulations to our 2019 GWC Grants recipients! We are grateful for all your excellent efforts to improve the quality of our community life in Greenwood County!

GWC Annual Meeting, “Celebrating Our First Year!”, at Greenwood Genetic Center, March 26, 2019

GWC members and guests met Tuesday, March 26 at the Greenwood Genetic Center to celebrate our first Annual Meeting.

Champagne, punch, appetizers, strawberry parfaits, and cookies representing our grant awards (specially crafted by Connie Carstens) were enjoyed by all!

Angelle LaBorde, Chair of the Programs & Education Committee, introduced Dawn Puderbaugh Hodges who gave an informative talk about the history and overview of the programs at the Greenwood Genetic Center, our hosting venue. Anne Hancock, Chair of the Governance & Finance Committee, presented the slate of GWC Officers and Steering Committee which was approved by the Members present. They are: Laura Bachinski and Mary Woodiwiss, Co-Chairs; Laura Stowe, Secretary; Lou Noel, Treasurer; Summer Booker, Kelly Buckshorn, Alison Fletcher, Anne Hancock, Angelle LaBorde, Megha Lal, Deborah Parks, Anna Welborn, and Trentsie Williams.

Mary Woodiwiss reviewed highlights of our first year, including the key activities of each committee. Mary noted our 2019 GWC Grant recipients, with awards totaling $47,625 (as previously announced to the Membership). We were excited to learn that the financial health of GWC going into our second year is extremely strong with balances as follows: Granting Fund $42,536, Endowment Fund $23,516, and Administration Budget $6,498.

Looking towards the future, Laura Bachinski discussed ways to support GWC through Gift Memberships as well as gifts made in memory or honor of an individual. She also spoke of the importance of strengthening the framework of GWC through our Standing Committees. Laura briefly discussed our annual calendar, social events, and made us aware that we could look forward to our November Meeting when we will hear from our grant recipients.

GWC Presentation at Together SC Summit, March 12, 2019

GWC’s Grants Review & Awards Committee held a workshop entitled “Grant Writing 101” that was open to the community and welcomed 31 attendees. The workshop was developed by GWC Members Wendi Andrews, Sandra McMullen, and Kathy Emily, and included a panel of four local funders: Selynto Anderson (Self Regional Hospital Foundation), Marisel Losa, (United Way), Mamie Nicholson (Self Family Foundation) and Mary Woodiwiss (Greenwood County Community Foundation). Attendees learned about principles and practical steps for writing effective grant proposals to assist them in seeking funding through GWC grants or other sources.

GWC Quarterly Meeting, “Time to Vote!”, at The Museum, February 25, 2019

Greenwood Women Care enjoyed a record turnout for our first Quarterly Meeting of 2019 with more than 90 Members attending our inaugural granting assembly.  The Museum provided an excellent venue for our evening!

Our meeting began with an extended social time downstairs at The Museum where we were treated to delicious appetizers and chocolates along with numerous beverage options, arranged by the Social Committee. We moved to the upper gallery for the program, with content chosen by the Programs and Education Committee. Karen Jennings, Executive Director of The Museum, graciously welcomed us and directed our attention to the various featured exhibits. Trentsie Williams, Steering Committee member, opened the meeting by highlighting numerous GWC accomplishments. Pattie Fender, Communications Committee member, was acknowledged for her initiation of the GWC Facebook page. Members were encouraged to “like” and “share” our new Facebook page.

After committee presentations, all completed a brief form indicating their committee interests. Members were encouraged to join a committee if time and interest allow; however, we were also given the opportunity to decline committee affiliations.

Laura Bachinski, of the Grants Committee, reviewed voting procedures for our very first GWC Grant Awards and granting questions were entertained.  Laura also reminded us of our upcoming Annual Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 26th, 5:30-7:00 at the Greenwood Genetic Center.

Sincere thanks are extended to The Museum, Simon Says Grow for the lovely table flowers, and those GWC Members who presented along with those who worked behind the scenes to make our meeting a success.